中國(guó)石化新聞網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)伊朗邁赫爾通訊社5月10日德黑蘭報(bào)道,伊朗國(guó)家石油公司(NIOC)國(guó)際事務(wù)主管賽義德·穆赫辛·加姆薩里10日在德黑蘭接受伊朗邁赫爾通訊社記者采訪時(shí)表示,伊朗日前已停止向歐洲的兩個(gè)石油巨頭意大利埃尼公司和挪威國(guó)家石油公司提供石油和天然氣。
李峻 編譯
Iran stops oil sale to two European oil giants
TEHRAN, May 10 (MNA) – The head of international affairs of the NIOC has said Iran has stopped provision of oil to two European giants, Italian Eni and Norwegian Statoil.
Seyed Mohsen Qamsari told Mehr News that for the time being, NIOC had stopped crude oil and gas provision to these two giants for what he believed to be their ‘legal and technical difficulties’ in the EU.