中國石化新聞網(wǎng)訊 據(jù)伊朗邁赫爾通訊社5月10日德黑蘭報道,伊朗天然氣輸送公司總經(jīng)理馬蘇德·薩米萬德10日在德黑蘭接受媒體記者采訪時表示,伊朗準(zhǔn)備把從土庫曼斯坦進口的天然氣數(shù)量增加一倍。
李峻 編譯
Iran has capability to double gas imports from Turkmenistan
TEHRAN, May 10 (MNA) – The managing-director of Iran Gas Transmission Company has said Iran is ready to double gas imports from Turkmenistan
Masoud Moumivand told reporters on Saturday that the operation of gas injection to the country’s second largest natural gas project had been launched in Khorasan’s Shurijeh region, to store the strategic product.
“The project has been consisted of 21 wells and a refinery plant with capacity to handle 20 million cubic meters of natural gas per day,” he was quoted to say. “Currently, Iran is the 5th largest gas storing country with operation of two projects, Qom’s Sarajeh and Khorasan’s Shurijeh sites, and with the operation of new projects especially in Kashan’s salt domes, Iran will be the largest gas storing country,” he added.